100% Natural SoapNuts evolved from a passion for healthy living, in a chemical and toxin free environment and exists to provide you with a cleaning product that is
100% Natural
free of chemicals & toxins
best value for money!

Hi, I’m Kylie and I have spent many years using various eco-friendly and natural cleaning products and finally I’ve found the ‘cream of the crop’…SoapNuts. They are fantastic and I am making them available to you and your family so that you too can benefit.
As a child I suffered from eczema and throughout my teenage and young adult life I used many different alternative ‘soaps’ and natural shampoos and cleaners. Most of them suited my needs, but they were still manufactured in some way, packaged in a plastic bottle and took up a big chunk of my budget. Over the years I have become more and more aware of my purchasing power and responsibility for my health and that of my environment.
I know that whatever I wash myself and my laundry in not only is absorbed into my body through my skin, but also eventually ends up either on my garden, going into the earth or into our waterways. I have reduced the amount of pollution I create and saved money by using SoapNuts and I want to make that choice available to you!
Now that I am a mum, I am responsible for my children’s health and SoapNuts are 100% Natural, grown on a tree by Mother Nature, so I feel happy in the knowledge that my boys’ health is cared for every time they have a bath or shower and every time I wash their clothes, their bedding and their towels. At the same time, I’m saving money by not having to buy all sorts of cleaning products.
SoapNuts also help me to live more in line with my values and ethics. I believe that however I live my life will have an impact in the wider community and so whatever impact I have, my aim is for it to be positive.
This extends to my business practices.
100% Natural SoapNuts engage in Fair Trade practice with our supplier, whose family are part of the communities who wild harvest the soapnuts. My family in Australia is working with other families in the Himalayas to keep ourselves and our environments healthy and supported.
Our carbon footprint is another area in which we are taking positive steps. SoapNuts are shipped via sea as this is the most effective way to keep our carbon footprint to a minimum. When you consider the amount of energy used, and pollution caused from manufacturing the bottles and packaging and product of even eco-friendly cleaning products in Australia, importing SoapNuts works out to be more sustainable.
We live in a technological world where documents can be sent over the internet, so my office is almost paper free with no need for printing as I email documents whenever I can. However, when required, I use 100% post consumer recycled paper and natural inks. Our packaging is reusable (I’ve been using my wash bag for almost 3 years!) The box/envelope you receive your SoapNuts in was sent to me by someone else. Why buy new when you can reuse? It’s better for our planet and costs less! My energy supply is from renewable sources, so when I’m sitting at my computer I know that the electricity it is using is from a sustainable source.
I believe in helping people to help themselves and with 100% Natural SoapNuts, you can now clean chemically free and live healthy. I offer you exceptional customer service and if you have any questions about a chemical free lifestyle or any aspect of using SoapNuts just contact me.